You are God’s workmanship, created in Christ to do good works! We’ll help you discover the life of high adventure when you surrender all to Jesus. 
Our atmosphere is friendly and welcoming. Attire is casual – jeans and t-shirts are perfectly OK.  At Today’s Victory Ministries we’re plugging into something real – a jolt that revives your very heart & soul. Where the message is passionate and energizing, and people don’t just talk about God and the Bible, but live it.  We have a deep desire to be in God’s Presence and move forward with a hunger and thirst for His Anointing to move in our services and everyday lives.
If you are looking for a quiet calm church, you will be disappointed.
If you are looking for a crazy anything goes church, you may need to look elsewhere.
 If you are looking for a church family that invites the Move of the Holy Spirit and the Manifestation of Gods Power in our lives through Heartfelt Worship, Spirit Led Messages and Biblical Foundational In-depth Teaching with a blend of traditional and modern themes, then this is the place for you!
You Will Feel Right at Home!